Acupuncture is an ancient or traditional form of Chinese medicine that has been practiced for years to relieve the ongoing chronic pain and to restore the functioning of the nervous system. This specialized treatment is carried out by licensed acupuncturists who insert very small and thin needles at different points on the body. The widely practiced acupuncture technique can provide you assistance against chronic pains that didn’t respond to any medicine.
Acupuncture is also proven to relieve pain associated with pregnancy, osteoarthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, headache, neck pain, back pain, fibromyalgia, and many other temporary and permanent conditions. At Etobicoke SportMed & Physiotherapy, we provide a complete array of acupuncture treatments to provide relief to patients who are suffering from chronic pain or ailment. Our registered acupuncturists in Etobicoke makes sure that each treatment we provide is relaxing, rejuvenating and informative.